Date: 30 May 2010
Venue: Changi Exhibition Centre
Distance: 42.19km(45.2km according my Polar S3 footpod)
Shoe: K-SWISS MiSoul 1.1
This is my 2nd full marathon and also my 2nd sundown. The first marathon was a total blunder as i walked from 32k marker towards the end. However, for this year event, i was not totally prepared due to other commitments and hence the longest mileage recorded was 20k LSD. A friend of mine advised to take it slowly and run at your own pace.
Friday 29 may 2010
Since it is my 2nd year running in this event, i decided to bring the "whole army" to Singapore. The advance booking of the hotel and using the remaining of my enrich point settled the accommodation and flight tickets.
Just arrived at Changi Airport

Aisyah at Golden Lounge KLIA
Arrived at Changi around 5.30pm on Friday and straight to Changi Village Hotel on excursion bus at the terminal. Have a look around at the vicinity of the hotel. How I wish the organiser remains the same venue as last year since the hotel and the starting point was 5mins walking. This year, they decided to start from Changi Exhibition Center which 6km from the hotel.
We settled everything and meet up with Rashidi and his family for dinner. Unfortunately, it rains heavily around 8pm and we're stuck at the hotel. The only way is to have dinner in our room.
Race-day, 30 May 2010
Woke up early as wifey wanted to go for shopping. I've already know that for this year's event, a pre-race rest is impossible but i'm happy as they are here with me; i'm going for mu run and the mummy, baby curly and baby jude will have more time with us...
Around 6pm, we went back to hotel as to had our dinner, it was quite heavy dinner
8pm: met shidi at hotel lobby and we took a cab from hotel to race venue.
Arrived at Changi Exhibition Centre, we went to information booth to collect our race pack. For this year, the running vest was not as impressive as 2009; design and quality of the vest. Other than that, all goodies were like last year.
9.00pm: start off for 21k
11.00pm: as we prepare ourselves, I suddenly realized that I left my energy gel at the hotel and only have one for the whole race. Shidi was kind enough to give me his extra energy gel(he has 6 packs). The organizer was showcasing a video clip of Marathon run in Chicago. I was not concentrating on it since I knew that I need longer warm-ups and stretching.
12.00midnite: Race starts off!!..a total of 3000+ runners now pursuing their dreams in completing the race. We started almost at the back of the pack since they have segregated based on expected time. My strategy was to run at 7.30m/km as I wanted to conserve my energy for a strong finishing…hehehe
The route was no different compared to last year. It is almost the same route, flat out. At 5km, I managed to tag along with one regular runner from KL, we talked as we ran together just to avoid from being sleepiness throughout the race. On the hand, I need a pacer as I knew that my pace is decreasing by minute.
We’re pacing each other until at 15km marker, where he has to stop (I don’t know why). Anyway, the first 10k, my pace was slow, clocking at 1’28”( very slow!!).
21km: at the u-turn, I realized that shidi was way behind me, couldn’t recalled where I left him but I met him at 23km mark, he’s on the opposite of the route and have not reached the 21k marker. (2hr54mins)
28km: Battling against sleepiness, as I was running by myself, the fatigue and the soreness of my legs start creeping in, not to mention when you run alone although there are many runner along, you tend to concentrate on your run to avoid your legs being lock up. At this point, I start to slow jog as I know that at least until 32k marker for me to take my energy gel.
32k: another 10k to go, already clocked 4’31min..i decided to do powerwalk for 1 min and run 3mins. I realized my mixing my run and walk, at least I could better my timing compared to last year.
35k: My body and sleepiness couldn’t take it anymore. I decided to walk until finishing point as I was struggling with my knees rather than my calves or hamstring. It was probably due to concrete surface along the route. At some point, I run on grass just to ease of the pain in my knees.
Entering Aviation Road, I decided to skip the 2 water station as I knew the finishing line just near. The last 10k is the longest hours of my run. From 32k to 42k, I feel that each and every kilo is longer than normal. The last 2k, I decided to run at 8min/km as I wanted to a strong finishing. At last reached finishing point at 6hr 36mins -gun time or 6hr 33mins (my watch) and BEAT THE SUNRISE!!.
I did not expect to finish the race as mileage during my training was very low compared to last year. But I think the experience taught me to control my pace and conserve my energy to have a strong finishing. Comparing to previous year..i'm off less than 15mins.
2010 Running Data
Well, I would like to do 84k, but with only 2 marathons under my belt, I think I need to re-assess my training plan. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to either back in Singapore for another 42 or 84. My next big event would probably be Standard & Chartered Singapore Marathon.
Special thanks to mummy, baby curly and baby jude for always be there for me. To friends and fellow runners for their encouragement and mocking support.
Signing off!!
Back and front view of finishing medal